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Educaedu collects reviews from thousands of real students about the institutions where they studied
Pedro has reviewed University of Phoenix
"It did teach me basic information most of which I knew having a b ..."
Susi Salazar has reviewed Ben Lippen School
"muy buena preparatoria, organizada con reglas que ayudan a tu for ..."
Jailton has reviewed FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
"É muito mais fácil para as empresas trocarem quem está fora da pr ..."
Lincoln has reviewed Medaille College
"Excelente Campus Universitario. Los mejores profesores con la mej ..."
Angel has reviewed APCH - A Place Called Home
"Patron Apch"
Martha Adriana has reviewed The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
"que requisito mas hace falta para seguir fratuitamente"
Marcella has reviewed Boston Academy of English
"Not really deep in the information but enough to learn basic skil ..."
Nigel has reviewed University of Oregon
"Brilliant! Best time and learnt so much"
john has reviewed Ashworth College
"terrific program and teachers"
Adriana has reviewed North Lake College
Cesar has reviewed OAS - Organization of American States
"Muy bueno, cubre mis expectativas."
Ellen Brites has reviewed A.P. Leto High School
"High School na cidade de Tampa, na Flórida, nos Estados Unidos. U ..."
Djalma has reviewed Infogroup
"Curso Balizador para as atividades que exerço como negociador com ..."
José Carlos has reviewed Ignacio High School
Dr Yves Jean Baptiste has reviewed New York University
"Highly competitive."
Manuel Jose has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"Carrera Profesional, de formación integral en administración, coo ..."
Suzete has reviewed University of Missouri - Kansas City
"Curso Maravilhoso!!!"
Eros Enzo de Carvalho has reviewed Upper Darby High School
Monica has reviewed Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School
"Cultive mis habilidades y destrezas"
Roxana has reviewed The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Debería dictarse de manera semanal"
Edna has reviewed University of Texas at Austin - Mexico
"Excelente Muy interesante"
Leonardo has reviewed Estes Park High School
"Yo estoy interesado sobre el curos de energia solar como instala ..."
Angel Gabriel has reviewed UCLA University of California Los Angeles
"Buenos es un colegio de buena educación y buena disciplina por el ..."
Herminda has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
Adio Obanijesu has reviewed Catholic Comprehensive High School
"It necessary to write your Secondary School Certificate in other ..."
Melissa has reviewed EF - Education First - New York
Débora has reviewed FMU Francis Marion University
"Muito teorico"
Jozar has reviewed University of Florida
"permite que conozcamos y tengamos una serie de conocimient ..."
Nilton has reviewed FMU Francis Marion University
"O curso foi bastante abrangente, gostei muito"
Maria Isney has reviewed USC - University of Southern California
"Muy bueno en fijación oral"
Jose has reviewed Michigan State University
"No puedo dejar de recomendar estos estudios si lo que quieres es ..."
Danielitha Torres has reviewed Harvard University
"amo esta universidad es la mejor he aprendido mucho, amo est ..."
Marthita has reviewed San Pedro High School
"Muy Útil."
Diana Maristella Paredes has reviewed La Salle University
"Es una excelente opción para las personas que gustan del mundo de ..."
Emerson has reviewed Harvard University
"Otimo bastante comprovedor tipo me renovei e tou bastante feliz m ..."
Andrea has reviewed University of Oregon
"I am about to start the course. I am expecting a lot because the ..."
Marisol Mujica has reviewed UCLA University of California Los Angeles
Janeth Sofia Urbano has reviewed Miami Dade College
"Es una gran experiencia un curso muy completo y profesional"
Luis Manuel has reviewed The University of Texas at San Antonio - UTSA
"Muchos Autores Clasifican las Motivación de distintas formas"
Elisabete Marina has reviewed ISPA - International Studies Preparatory Academy
"Curso teórico e direccionado essencialmente para a psicologia em ..."
Maria Angelica Posada has reviewed Parsons The New School for Design
"Excelente maestro."
Anabella has reviewed University of St. Thomas – Minnesota
"Es una carrera muy amplia que te hoy en día está actualizada"
Alejandra has reviewed Santa Clara High School
Hugo Steven has reviewed Miami Dade College
"Buena pero major con una especializacion como turismo y hoteleria ..."
Julio Fabian has reviewed University of Pittsburgh
Milton Eduardo has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"buena orientación académica y el manejo de los procesos de aprend ..."
Manuel Enrique has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"Trabajo en tres líneas de investigación: culturas pre-incaicas, t ..."
Fernanda has reviewed Presbyterian Pan American School
"Of course I learned more English there, but some teachers were un ..."
Néstor Fulbio has reviewed Western Connecticut State University
"Of course my time in this University was very good because over t ..."
Rodrigo has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"El estudiar por internet es algo unico ya que tu puedes acceder ..."
Educaedu helps you find reviews for universities, schools and other educational institutions around the world.