General terms of use and data privacy

We inform you that by using the website you are accessing a platform that will allow you to obtain information about various university programs, training and education providers , and job offers around the world. Educaedu enables you to network and communicate with other users about their university and work experiences. You will be able to share information by creating a profile and publishing the your educational and professional history.

This service, which is accessible through the website, is offered by EDUCAEDU BUSINESS, S.L. (henceforth, Educaedu), which is based at Gran Via, #81 - 5th Floor, in Bilbao (Vizcaya), served by C.I.F. # B95610580.

By using or accessing the services of this website, you are demonstrating that you have read, understood, and that you agree to the General Terms of Use and the Data Privacy Policy. Please read carefully the following General Terms of Use, as they contain the rights, obligations, and exemptions from responsibility that regulate the use of this service.

Introduction is a professional and educational community that utilizes already-existing market information. It facilitates contact between users so that they can give each other advice about the various possibilities of education and employment around the world. It allows users to network and expand their network of contacts through the creation of professional profiles and allows them to communicate with each other via private messages. These professional profiles are created with the information that is collected when the user becomes a member of the internal network of, or when he/she makes use of our Facebook connection system, Facebook connect.

1 - Age of Admission

The use of services offered through the website requires that the user be at least 18 years old.

The use of any services offered through the website is not authorized for users under the previously-stated age.

2 - Registration Information

The user is the only person responsible for the information that he/she provides and that shows on his/her profile. The user is also responsible for the facts and information that he/she publishes and provides in third-party communications. Educaedu cannot completely control information generated by users; however, if the website has knowledge that the user is violating these Terms of Use, or infringing current law, we will proceed with the cancellation of the user account.

Also, the user is aware that his/her information, depending on the configuration chosen, can be seen by third parties. In relation to the rest of the information included in his/her profile, he/she should maintain the security of his/her password and username.

3. - Content shared by the user and published on the website

The user may post content (text, documents, photos, etc.) through the services provided by the website, with the purpose that other users be able to access and use them. The user is the only person responsible for the published material, and to that end, guarantees that he/she owns the rights to any intellectual or industrial property that are necessary to be able to use the material, and to make the material available for use by other users or visitors.

The user agrees to use the service offered by Educaedu in conformity with current law and the General Terms of Use, as well as morality, generally accepted good conduct, and public order.

In all cases, the user is obligated not to transmit, share, or make available to other users or third parties any content that:

  • a) is in any way contrary to, disparage, or violate fundamental rights and public freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, international treaties and other legislation.
  • b) induces, incites, or promotes criminal, slanderous, defamatory, violent, or is in general contrary to law, morality, and generally accepted good practices or public order.
  • c) induces, incites, or promotes actions, attitudes, or thoughts on discrimination based on sex, race, religion, creed, age, or condition.
  • d) incorporates, makes available, or permits access to products, elements, messages and/or services that are criminal, violent, offensive, harmful, or in general contrary to law, morality and generally accepted good practices or public order.
  • e) is protected by the rights of any intellectual property belonging to third parties without the user having previously obtained the necessary authorization holders to carry out the use made or proposed.
  • f) is contrary to the right to honor, personal, and family privacy or image of individuals.
  • g) infringes regulations on privacy of communications.
  • h) is related to advertising other sites that may be in competition with Educaedu or its advertisers.
  • i) has to do with illicit, deceptive, or unfair advertising.
  • j) incorporates viruses or other physical or electronic elements that can damage or impede the normal operation of the website, the system, or computer equipment (hardware and software) of Educaedu, third parties, or other users.
  • k) causes by its characteristics (such as format, length, etc.) difficulties in the normal operation of the service.

Educaedu reserves the right to eliminate from the website whatever content that is not in compliance with the General Terms of Use laid out here and/or with current law. Also, Educaedu, in the use of its authority, will not be obligated to justify to the user the elimination of content published by the user.

4.- Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

In relation to the content of the network, the design, the software, text, brands, logos, and information are the property of Educaedu or licensed third-parties. The use of the website does not transfer any ownership to the user, who may access and use said content only while respecting the rights of the owner.

The authorization to use the services provided through the network may be revoked at any time and without notice, with or without cause.

5. Defense of Copyright.

All the content published by the users must respect the intellectual property rights of third-parties. Anyone who believes that published content found on the site infringes on his/her personal copyright or an operating license that he/she holds, in conformity with Intellectual Property Law 23/2006, should notify an Administrator about the infringement of their rights.

To notify us of a copyright infraction, follow the following steps:

  • -Indicate in a detailed manner the content that you believe infringes on your intellectual property rights. If possible, include the URL where the cited content can be found.
  • -Include your identifying information (name, last name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address) and if possible, the title under which you established your copyright.
  • -You may submit your notification through e-mail, or to the following address:EDUCAEDU BUSINESS, S.L, c/ Gran Vía, 81 5ª Plta., de Bilbao (Vizcaya).

Once we have received the notice informing us of the copyright violation, we will proceed to deleting the content, and will notify the offending user so that he/she will abstain from similar actions, or have the opportunity to argue their defense.

6.- Liability and responsibility disclaimer for the running of the service

6.1.1 - Availability, continuity, use, and fallibility

Educaedu does not guarantee the availability and continual functioning of service. Educaedu also does not guarantee the use of the service to accomplish any particular activity, nor its infallibility, and particularly, although not exclusively, does not guarantee that its users will effectively be able to access all the different webpages that make up the service, nor that through the service they will be able to share or make available information, data, or content to third parties, or access information, data, or content shared or made available by third-parties.

Educaedu denies any responsibility for damages and harm of any nature that may occur from the lack of availability or continuity of the service; from the fraudulent or deceitful use of the website that users may try to attribute to the service; or from any failures of the service, particularly but not exclusively, the failure to be able to access the various webpages of the service, as well any failures in sharing or making available information, data, or content.

6.1.2 Privacy and security in the use of the service

Educaedu establishes the technical measures which are adequate and necessary for the management and implementation of the offered services, but does not guarantee the privacy and security while utilizing the service, and in particular, does not exclude the possibility that unauthorized third parties may gain knowledge of the class, conditions, characteristics, and circumstances of use under which the service is used, or that they might be able to access and some cases intercept, delete, alter, modify, or manipulate the messages, content, and communications of any type that the users share or make available to third parties through the service.

Educaedu does not take responsibility for the damages and harm of any nature that may result from the any knowledge gained by unauthorized third parties about the class, conditions, characteristics, and circumstances of use under which the service is used, nor any responsibility in the case of the interception, deletion, alteration, modification or manipulation by unauthorized third parties of communications of any type that the users share or make available to third parties through the service.

6.2 Liability and Responsibility disclaimer for the use of the service by the users

Educaedu has no obligation to control and does not control the use of the service. Specifically, Educaedu does not guarantee that the users utilize the service in conformity with these General Terms of Use, nor that they do it in an appropriate and prudent manner. Educaedu does not have the obligation to verify and does not verify the identity of its users, nor the veracity, validity, exhaustiveness, and or authenticity of the data that the users provide about themselves to other users.

The user agrees not to publish material that is abusive, obscene, vulgar, threatening, hate speech, sexually oriented, or anything else that somehow violates current law. If he/she publishes any of this kind of material, his/her account will be deactivated. The user agrees that Educaedu retains the right to erase, edit, move, or close any content or message in any moment if it is considered necessary. The user recognizes that all information that he/she publishes will be stored in a database. Even though this information will not be shared with third-parties without the users consent, Educaedu cannot be held responsible for any attempts by third-parties to compromise this information.

Educaedu is not responsible for any harm or damages of any kind that may result from the use of this service on the part of the users or that may result from the lack of veracity, validity, exhaustiveness, and/or authenticity of the information that the users share with other users about themselves, and specifically although not exclusively, for the harms and damages of any kind that may result from the sharing of opinions and/or comments made by a user in any kind of communication conducted through this service.

6.3 Liability and responsibility disclaimer for the software functioning, in relation to the content, possibility of virus and efficiency of the security measures.

Educaedu does not guarantee:

  • a) the absence of errors or defects in the software and in the content offered on the network.
  • b) the absence of viruses and/or any other kind of damaging component, neither in the network nor in the servers in charge of its maintenance.
  • c) complete efficiency of the security measures taken by Educaedu.

Educaedu denies, to the fullest extent permitted by the legal system, any responsibility for harm or damages of any kind that may result from software errors, or errors in content, or from the presence of a virus that may produce changes in the users computer system, electronic documents or files.

7.- Refusal of service

Educaedu reserves the right to refuse the use of the service and to delete all information, data, and content shared or made available by third-parties through the service, at any time, and without warning of those users who fail to comply with these Terms of Use.

8. Content Responsibility Disclaimer

Educaedu does not guarantee the lawfulness, reliability, or usefulness of the content. Educaedu denies, to the fullest extent permitted by the legal system, any responsibility for harm and damages of any kind that may result from the transmission, distribution, storage, provision, receipt, or obtaining access to content; specifically though not exclusively, harm and damages that may result from:

  • a) incompliance with the law, morals, generally accepted good conduct, or public order as a result of the transmission, distribution, storage, provision, receipt, or obtaining access to content.
  • b) the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, of business secrets, of contracts of any kind, of the rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people, of the rights of property and anything else belonging to a third person as a result of the transmission, distribution, storage, provision, receipt, or obtaining access to content.
  • c) engaging in acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising as a result of the transmission, distribution, storage, provision, receipt, or obtaining access to content.
  • d) the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of content
  • e) the inadequacy for any kind of purpose and fraudulent expectations generated by the content
  • f) the failure, delay in compliance, defective performance, or termination for any reason of the obligations assumed by third parties and contracts with third parties through or in connection with access to the content.
  • g) the vices and defects of all types of content transmitted, distributed, stored, made available or otherwise transmitted or made available, received, obtained, or accessed through the website or our services.

9. - User conduct disclaimer

Educaedu does not guarantee that the users who take advantage of the services and content of the website, as well as the content of the rest of the users, will conform with these General Terms of use, nor that they do so in an appropriate and prudent manner. Nor does Educaedu guarantee the veracity of the data that its users disclose about themselves in their profiles, or directly to other users. Finally, Educaedu does not guarantee that the content published on the network by its users complies with the rules laid out in these General Terms of Use, or with pertinent law.

Educaedu does not assume any responsibility for the harm and damages of any kind that may result from the use of our services and content on the part of the users, or that may result from the lack of veracity, validity, or authenticity of the information that users share with other users about themselves, specifically but not exclusively, the harm and damages of any kind that may result from the impersonation of any third party by a user in any kind of communication conducted through the network.

10.- Applicable legislation

These General Terms of Use are managed by Spanish legislation. In case of a conflict derived from interpretation, or for the resolution of any kind of conflict that may result from the participation of other user in the services offered by Educaedu through the website, the parties will submit to the judges and tribunes of the city of Bilbao (Vizcaya), expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that may correspond.

11.- Information Privacy Policy

When a user decides to register on the website, he/she must provide certain necessary information in order to become a member and access the services that are provided, through the completion of an electronic form that implies the acceptance of the General Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

Through the services offered by the website, the user is given access to the necessary tools to complete his/her profile and fill in his/her information by using his/her Facebook profile. The user may join by using the internal registration system of Educaedu, or by using the registration system linked to Facebook, Facebook connect. When the user joins by means of Facebook connect and if and only if he/she accepts, his/her personal information will be obtained from Facebook include name, last name, e-mail, city and country where he/she lives, previous studies and companies where he/she has worked, as well as the users friend list.

11.-a) Purpose of data-gathering

The personal information that must be entered in the registration form will be incorporated into a file belonging to Educaedu Business, S.L., and authorization will be automatically given to use this information with the purpose of managing the users requests for information, so that they will be answered by the University or Educational Institute to which they are addressed, as well as providing the user with commercial or advertising information relative to the services of Educaedu Business, S.L, and finally providing the user with commercial or advertising information of third parties, related to training, education, and employment.

Therefore, by submitting his/her personal information, the user gives his/her consent for the transfer or communication of this information by Educaedu Business, S.L. with the university or educational institute from which the user has requested information, with the purpose of putting the institution in contact with the user and providing him/her with the information that he/she has requested.

Entering required information in the information solicitation form is obligatory in those fields in which it is expressly indicated.

Educaedu Business, S.L., will send by e-mail and/or text, or any other kind of communication medium, information about courses, training, and employment related with the questions that the users ask through the website, as well as commercial information about Educaedu’s own services, or third-party services, always related with training/education. The user guarantees that the personal information provided is true and is responsible for communicated with the administrator any modification necessary.

11.-b) Security measures.

Educaedu has adopted the technical measures necessary to avoid the unauthorized alteration of, loss of, processing of, or access to personal information that the user has provided, keeping in mind the limitations presented by the Internet, all in conformity with what is established in Royal Decree 1720/2007, on the 21st of December, in which is approved the Regulation of the development of Organic Law 15/1999, on the 13th of December, of the protection of information of a personal nature and other control proceedings for the security of computer systems.

Correspondingly, and with attention to the current state of technology and the risks to which information is exposed, the user accepts and recognizes the limitations of the medium, for which cause Educaedu will not be held responsible for any unauthorized loss, misplacement or manipulation of information outside the will of Educaedu.

11.-c) Rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition to the processing of personal data.

Users have the right to access information which concerns them gathered in the files of Educaedu Business, S.L., correct any errors therein, cancel it or oppose its processing through the following methods of communication: These rights can be effective immediately when the user demonstrates his/her express intention to cancel membership.

In case of problems taking these steps online, as well as any kind of doubt or inquiry regarding our information privacy policy, you may directly contact:, Tel: (+34) 902200344

12. - Cookies and IPs

The Cookies that Educaedu uses are of the kind strictly necessary and for performance. Cookies strictly necessary allow webpage navigation and use of essential functions. These cookies do not gather any kind of information about your navigation that could be used for marketing or to make a record of the pages you have visited. Performance Cookies are those which are used to improve your experience as a user. Based on the information collected, they help to understand how you use the webpage, what pages you visit, or if you experience some kind of error during your navigation. These Cookies do not collect any kind of identifying information; all the information collected is anonymous and only used to improve functionality and the quality of information that we offer. The user grants consent for the use of cookies and IP tracking, and consents to the processing of the information specified in this section. Educaedu does not use spamming and only processes the information that the user shares through the electronic forms submitted on this website or e-mails with the purpose indicated in our Information Protection Policy.

In order to use the Portal, it is necessary for the user to permit the installation of Cookies sent by Educaedu; if the Cookies are deactivated, the page will not work correctly.

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