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Racheal has reviewed YMIE Institute Excellence
"cet une formation en computer maintainance and networking also in ..."
Che King has reviewed université de yaoundé 2
"bonne formation acquisition et assimilation des connaissances ass ..."
Racheal has reviewed Cameroon College of Arts and Science
"i did litterature french and english litterature and history it w ..."
Mougoue has reviewed université de yaoundé 2
"formation intéressante avec des unités de valeurs de Comptabilité ..."
Tem Donald has reviewed GHS Tiko
"Basic foundation for for so many fields of study. And the certifi ..."
NIGUEL ROSSI has reviewed Universidad de Yaundé I
"Es un centro educativo donde se atiende al estudiantado pero tamb ..."
Gertrude has reviewed University of Dschang
Ndoma has reviewed University of Dschang
"Kind I think this is a very good program as it will help most pe ..."
Jacky has reviewed Université de Yaoundé 1
"Esta formacion estaba dificil, pero al final he obtenido . Y est ..."
Binnwell has reviewed British College of Professional Management
"A good course that combines marketing skills and Human Resource M ..."
Christiane has reviewed université de yaoundé 2
"recomendavel foi bem"
epoh has reviewed Université de Yaoundé 1
"domaine des sciences sociales intéressant mais faisant face à un ..."
Hermann has reviewed University of Bamenda
"I enjoyed the topic and i've decided to teach it to young ones"
Mougoue has reviewed université de yaoundé 2
"formation intéressante avec des unités de valeurs de Comptabilité ..."
Hermann has reviewed University of Dschang
"It touches everything"
epoh has reviewed université de yaoundé 2
"on va dire que la formation est assez intéressante juste quelques ..."
Marthe Nina has reviewed Lycée de Biyem-Assi
"c'set grace a ces enseignants de qualites que je suis aujourdhui ..."
Gertrude has reviewed Lycée Classique de Bafoussam
Alexis Dipanda Epoundè has reviewed Université de Yaoundé 1
"Ouverture dans le monde des SIG et ses applications dans mon doma ..."
Médard has reviewed Institut International des Assurances de Yaoundé
"formation pointue"
Educaedu helps you find reviews for universities, schools and other educational institutions around the world.